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Celebrating National Women’s Health Week

Hello Friend! 

I am filled with gratitude and appreciation. For you, friend. Thank you for being here as The WHoly Mom Chat celebrates one year of podcasting!

I’ve spent the last few days reflecting and focusing my energy on gratitude. I am reminded of how grateful I am for my own mother. She has had several difficult weeks of hospitalizations and near-death experiences. It has been the most stressful period of my life. I am deeply grateful for her and cherish her presence and impact in my life. Her strength has inspired me, especially this last year as I completed the first year of a PhD program while managing kids, marriage, home, business, life, and elderly parents moving in. Hug your mother/mother figures. They are a precious gift.

Mental Health Awareness Month continues with National Women’s Health Week. Remember: It is never too early or too late to work towards being the healthiest you! My approach to wellness coaching is addressing our health in mind, body, and spirit. If one area is out of alignment, it will impact all other areas of our being. So, to improve our health, we need to pay attention to every layer of our being. 

Create space every day just for you. Reflect on how you are feeling physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Are you hurting? Is there an area of your body or life that is sensitive and showing strain? Seek help and rest. Don’t put yourself on hold. When you practice self-care and self-awareness, you create space and means to pour into the lives the people you love most. You can’t pour from an empty cup. 

What action/s will you take this month for your health and wellness?  Because accountability is a big factor in achieving results, let me share how I will be working towards slowing the pace in the coming weeks. Here are a few ways you’ll see me take those steps: 

  • Changing the weekly podcasts to biweekly. The next podcast goes live May 17th.
  • Managing my struggles with vertigo. Follow along as I explore Chinese medicine, acupuncture, and cupping to treat it.
  • Taking a break from school in July and part of August. Rest is a key part of learning. 
  • Be more present with family. 
  • And intentionally create fond memories.
  • Send me your favorite memory making activities! I love to try new things and your idea could be featured in a future podcast. Email your ideas to or tag me in a post on Facebook and Instagram @wholymom  doing your favorite memory making activity.

Hope & Encouragement

This song continues to give me hope each time I listen to it: 

“Promises” featuring Joe L Barnes and Naomi Raine by Maverick City Music. 


Friend, everyone is welcome here. We are on this journey together.

Let’s rediscover our true self, reclaim our time, our energy, care for ourselves to be the woman we want to be and most of all THRIVE. So let us rise up and show up as a better version of ourselves.

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