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Reclaim your body

God designed our bodies with a purpose. For some, one of the purposes is to give birth. During the miraculous process of carrying and birthing, our bodies change significantly. Once, we are in the fourth trimester, we become focused on the beautiful beings we have birthed while forgetting to take care of ourselves – including to re-strengthen, nourish and reclaim our individual self in mind, body and spirit. Today,  I encourage you to take time to reclaim your body. One way I was able to regain strength and work on my body postpartum was through physical therapy provided by Dr Amanda Miller.

As I love to connect my Mom friends with the resources in the community as well as promote mompreneurs, I have partnered up with Dr Amanda Miller. This will guide you to learn from an expert in our community about utilizing physical therapy for your path to recovery (which, by the way, is covered by most insurance plans with a Doctor’s referral). Here is the link to the published article:

I had met Dr. Amanda Miller during my first pregnancy about 10 years ago while being on bed rest due to severe back pain. We were able to work together on a weekly basis to help me get through the last trimester and still be mobile. Then, while I was pregnant with my third, two years ago, I started having back issues again during my pregnancy. Dr Miller, along with her helpful staff, got me through the third pregnancy successfully all the way till the end. I continued to work with her after the birth of my third child, which really helped me in strengthening my core as well as address the diastisis recti (

Not only was I welcomed at her office in Midlothian, VA, but both of my young ones were well taken care of and kept entertained while this mama was working on herself. 

Working with Amanda has been a pleasant experience to address the areas that needed attention in my journey of living healthy. As a mom of two, Dr Miller understands motherhood and is very personable. I enjoy our chats about the challenges as well as the joys of motherhood during our sessions. I hope you will be able to learn from her some new ways to help you strengthen and take care of yourselves better. More information about Dr Miller can be found on her website:

Let’s stay connected and enjoy the journey of healing our bodies one day at a time. 

Blessings! ❤️


P.s. Here is the published article in Midlothian Lifestyle Magazine

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