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Support the launch of 988 – A Crisis Lifeline

Suicide touches many lives and affects all demographics. According to NAMI, the National Alliance on Mental Illness, “The act of suicide is often an attempt to control deep, painful emotions and thoughts an individual is experiencing. Once these thoughts dissipate, so will the suicidal ideation. While suicidal thoughts can return,…

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How PTSD May Manifest in New Moms

June is Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month, and this week we are focusing on perinatal posttraumatic stress disorder (PPTSD).  PPTSD may be defined as “a disorder arising after a traumatic experience; diagnosed any time from conception to 6 months postpartum, lasting longer than 1 month; leading to specific negative…

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Celebrating National Women’s Health Week

Hello Friend!  I am filled with gratitude and appreciation. For you, friend. Thank you for being here as The WHoly Mom Chat celebrates one year of podcasting! I’ve spent the last few days reflecting and focusing my energy on gratitude. I am reminded of how grateful I am for my…

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Reclaim your body

God designed our bodies with a purpose. For some, one of the purposes is to give birth. During the miraculous process of carrying and birthing, our bodies change significantly. Once, we are in the fourth trimester, we become focused on the beautiful beings we have birthed while forgetting to take…

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How Are You Loving On Yourself?

Just want to remind you that as you love on others, remember to love on yourself too this Valentine’s. In fact, loving on your self, in a healthy balanced way, is necessary for your sanity as well as your success every day!  Make time for yourself - be it a…

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Celebrate Yourself

As I was reflecting 🧐 on the past 40 years, I wondered why do we not celebrate ourselves often and just once a year? And for some, even that is not a day worth celebrating.  We need to celebrate 🎉 ourself daily! We owe it to ourselves to cheer our…

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Locked In Love

Getting married because you love someone is easier than staying in love. It takes intention, commitment and determination to make that happen. When I got married, I was certain I will be able to do that every single day. It was much easier before having kids. Once we had kids,…

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