Episode 6: Kelly Van Zandt’s Powerful Postpartum

“It seemed to me that any teacher who was not a mother herself could not possibly understand this tremendous experience, and those who were mothers did not speak to the phenomenon of motherhood. How was it possible that no one in the spiritual and wellness community was discussing this powerful life-changing transformation of the woman’s spirit in early motherhood? Postpartum is one of the major life events that propel women forward in their shift from self to Self. I dare to say that postpartum is designed for the very purpose of the mother’s meaningful transformation. The spiritual significance of motherhood is no different than the spiritual significance of life. ” — Kelly Van Zandt
This is for all the new mamas out there. Let’s talk about a thriving postpartum. Most moms spend a lot of time preparing for the birth of their precious baby but don’t know how to prepare well or experience the best time in postpartum. However, the truth is that while postpartum time can be mentally, emotionally, and physically exhausting, we can thrive during itIn this episode of The WHoly Mom chat, we are going to discuss exactly that with my special guest, Kelly Van Zandt.
Kelly Van Zandt is a birth and postpartum doula, author of the new book Powerful Postpartum, and spiritual mentor trained by former monk and founder of Ahhaa. From prenatal preparations, labor and birth support, as well as postpartum care, Kelly helps women navigate the full experience of new motherhood.
Kelly believes that the early moments of motherhood are some of the most transformational of a woman’s life, and Kelly highlights the spiritual growth of the mother as well as the physical, emotional, and mental shifts in pregnancy, birth, and postpartum. In her new book, Powerful Postpartum, Kelly presents a fresh and empowering perspective on the postpartum period as one filled with tremendous potential for growth and an opportunity to rediscover the woman’s truest essence.
Today’s episode is dedicated to embracing the transformation through postpartum and motherhood. Kelly’s search for the spiritual significance of motherhood started As she sat on an empty bench to let herself cry in New York while on a walk with her husband and newborn.
Listen in to hear more about :
- The cultural norms of our society portray new moms as exhausted and with no time for self-care. We can change that.
- External self-care is important but internal self-care and proper mindset are just as important.
- We need to declutter the mind and see what lies within. Let’s “Marie Kondo” our inner selves.
Poem by Kelly:
“The power of motherhood is a paradox.
When she is reduced to nothing, she becomes Everything.
What is emptied is filled.
Let this truth sit deeply.
All is in perfect order.
Like a snake shedding its skin motherhood sheds a guise, too small and soiled
to make room for the shift which lies within.
Motherhood is not a becoming but an unbecoming,
a path to the buried,
attendant Spirit of Genius, your Divine Nature—
a return to God.
It is not something added on nor can it be defined.
It is not an achievement
or again,
but a rediscovery
of what always was.
Motherhood is a grand reunion of that which she is
and that which is
more than she.
She is reduced of her self to revel in her Divinity.
You are moving through a gradual process that involves a complete recalibration of your reality. Give yourself the time you need for this transformation.”
Resources :
My Website: http://www.wholymom.com
Follow me on IG: @wholymom or Facebook: facebook.com/wholymom.
Have Questions? Send me an email at: info@wholymom.com.
Connect with Kelly Van Zandt:
To purchase a copy of Kelly’s book – www.powerfulpostpartum.com
or on Amazon
Instagram – @powerfulpostpartum
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I am here to remind you that YOU MATTER. Your feelings, desires, unspoken needs, and all of you have a purpose. I am here to walk with you and to cheer you on. I believe in you.
So let’s rediscover our true selves, reclaim our time, energy, care for ourselves to be the woman we want to be, and most of all, THRIVE.
So let us rise up and show up as a better version of ourselves!
Let’s do this!